Solo & Ensemble Festival

This past weekend (sorry I know it’s been a while…) I did something called solo and ensemble festival, as you can tell from above. It is where kids from middle schools all throughout my district can come and play a solo, duet, trio, etc and be judged. I played Gavotte in G Minor by J. S. Bach as a solo on my violin. Also, I was very excited because it turned out that my judge was my old orchestra teacher from 5th and 6th grade! I was very nervous to perform, however and forgot to introduce myself and my piece. I was soooooo embarassed when I got back my score sheet. Overall, I did very well. A perfect score is 7, and I got an 8. I only had minor intonation issues. I was placed in category one, the highest besides perfect! I am glad it is over, but it was pretty fun. If you are thinking about doing a performance or competition, do it! You may be scared, but you will have fun in the end. Comment down below if you have recently done a competition or performance and how you did!


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